Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6092 Spring Hill, FL 34611
(352) 587-2593

Combat GOP Extremism

Building power for the people in Hernando County, Florida

Combat GOP Extremism

Join Democratic Action NOW!
GOP Legislators Gang Up with Governor to attack our Freedoms.
GOP is passing freedom smashing laws:
Voter Suppression, Union-busting, banning individual healthcare rights, overriding local community government, bailing out corrupt insurance corporations, and more.
Tell Them What You Think!
GOP Leadership fails to advance bills introduced by Democrats:
Rental tenant protections, Insurance reform for homeowners, Firearms regulations to make Floridians safer, Fair Pay for Teachers (Florida ranks 48th in the U.S.), Insurance coverage for almost 1 million losing Medicaid coverage, and more.
Sign Up Today!
Combat GOP Extremism.
The entire nation is watching to see how we reclaim our freedoms and rights.
Join the Hernando Democratic Party, in partnership with neighboring counties and the Florida Democratic Party to work for successful change of leadership in 2024.
Yes, I am ready to Volunteer!
Rally In Tampa, Raise Your Voices:
Sunday, May 7th, 1:00-3:00 pm
Bring your voices, banners, friends and flags to speak out against the divisive and dangerous legislation passed since January. Begin the work to elect Senators and Representatives who will work for freedom, justice, and equality.
Read More and Register.
Hernando Dems Community Center and Workspace:
The drive is on to secure a workspace for volunteers to Register Voters, renew Vote-By-Mail choice, Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) actions, Candidate Forums, Clubs and Caucus meetings and all the activities leading up to the important elections in 2024.
Answer the call by becoming a monthly donor or a Sponsor of our Community Center and workspace Campaign. $5, $10 or – better yet – $24 for 2024 will go a long way to fulfilling the Hernando Democratic plan to build a voter response that sends a message about bad policies and legislation impacting Floridians by electing Senators and Representatives that are Good for Florida.
For more details about Sponsorship, email or call 352-587-2593.
Donate Today