DeSantis Takes Away Freedoms
More Freedoms Taken Away. DeSantis signed BAD LAW. Sign Abortion Rights Petition. Less Freedom, Costs Big Money, Ignores Our Priorities. New Law Takes Away Freedom: Every Floridian should have the freedom to be healthy, prosperous, and safe, including making personal choices about reproductive health care. We all deserve leaders who put protecting our freedoms first. Unconstitutional costs money! Everyday Floridians are good people who do our jobs and follow the law. But elitist politicians in Tallahassee think they are above the law. They’ve pushed for and enforced laws they know are unconstitutional that have cost taxpayers millions to defend in court instead of funding essential services like public education. Who cares about us? Every single day, Floridians wake up and go to work to provide for their families and live our version of the American Dream. We deserve leaders who are focused on OUR priorities, not those just interested in advancing their own political ambitions. Sign Abortion Rights Petition. Hernando Dems are Organizing for Change. Volunteer Answer the call = become a monthly donoror Sponsor our Community Center / workspace $5, $10 or – better yet – $24 for 2024 will go a long way to empowering the Hernando Democratic work to elect people who are Good for Florida. For more details about Sponsorship, email Contact@HernandoDems.orgor call 352-587-2593. Choose ‘Yes, count me in!’ to Make it Monthly. |